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Most Exciting Activities to do in Brazil

Home to the planet’s biggest river, most immense jungles and 8,000km of Atlantic-stroked beaches, Brazil is definitely an epitome of exotic adventures. Brazil is the largest country in South America and the world’s fifth-largest country. Half of the country is covered by dense Amazon forest-home to thousands of bird species and animal species. This country has myriad adventures, from exploring epic kite-surfing conditions along the curvy Atlantic coastline to tracking trails, paddling tributaries and clambering up towering trees in the sweaty embrace of the Amazon Jungle – a wilderness so enormous it still contains lost cities ad tribes that have no contact with the outside world. The parks around the country provide with tourist many trekking and trail running opportunities which include routes on Rio’s iconic Sugarloaf Mountain. Some of the activities you might like trying out are Trail Running Challenging routes are littered all through the country’s diverse terrain but

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